Mgr. Petra Urbancová

physiotherapy - podology - shiatsu
phone: +420 732 405 049
5. května 660, 252 41 Dolní Břežany


In my field of practice I use both modern methods and those proven by the years. I combine both as needed to make your body feel better. Whether it is an acute or chronic problem, there is always a way to help you work again, to do sports or anything that makes you happy.

I work with adults, kids, pregnant women and also those that cannot get pregnant, sportsmen as well as gardening enthusiasts. I search for the cause of your problems that are often somewhere else than the pain itself, and I do my best to fix them. I can teach you how to understand your body and be able to help yourselves.


Acute physiotherapy

The advantage to solving the acute issues is to start as soon as possible, therefore my standard is very short ordering times. Well performed physiotherapy can work miracles even with very acute problems such as intra vertebral disc prolapse or acute overload pain for example. By gentle methods I will help your body to soothe the pain, alleviate the swelling and initiate healing process. I also use kineziotaping. I can advise you about your daily routines, what to avoid and what may help you. If your troubles keep repeating, we will find the cause together and remove it. When the acute pain subsides, I will teach you how to work with your body in order for the pain not to appear again.


Physiotherapy of long term problems

Is some particular pain present for some time now? Or do you repeatedly feel the pain after for example an emotional outburst or physical stress? It is a warning sign of your body that you should do something. If you do nothing, the signals get stronger and pain gets worse. Migraines can appear, tingling of hands, neck lumbago or tendon inflammation. The causes of these pains are usually very far from the place they manifest themselves. Your movement stereotypes, posture, habits, muscle dysbalance, all of those are the factors that influence how you feel.  Together we can work on your motor stereotypes and make them healthy.


Physiotherapy of children

Even kids can suffer from acute problems from time to time. But mostly I encounter so called bad posture, scoliosis, slouching, protuberant stomach or for example an X legs. Even when the child has problems with fine motor functions, troubles with writing, lack of attention or gets tired fast, the physiotherapy is well indicated. By timely diagnostics and right exercise and movements we can achieve great results. Well developed body can perform better and nothing hurts.


Infertility rehabilitation

I also help with so called functional sterility, where there is no obvious medical reason, but couple cannot get pregnant. The amazing method of Ludmila Mojzisova and working with the body can be really surprising. I will teach you how to exercise, how to activate the pelvic floor and increase the probability of fertilization.


Rehabilitation of pregnant women

Pregnant women can suffer from all sorts of aches that the physiotherapy can solve. Whether it is incontinence, loins pain, joints pain, hands and wrists pain or you just want to work on your body for prophylactic reasons. The rehabilitation of pregnant women is very specific and while the body changes I change the methods that I use on every single patient. And as a bonus, you can let yourself be pampered by the shiatsu massage.


Rehabilitation of sportsmen

If you have suffered some form of acute injury and want to start training again as soon as possible. Your post-op status of knee of hip is not changing? Do you suffer from pain that  worsens your performance or made you stop doing your favourite sport? Nothing hurts, but you wish to get a regular prophylaxis in order to avoid pain and injury? I will teach you how to work out properly, how to do stretching and compensational training for your sport activities. I can help you remove acute pains and improve your muscle coordination and balance.


Mgr. Petra Urbancová

5. května 660, Dolní Břežany

GSM: +420 732 405 049

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