Mgr. Petra Urbancová

physiotherapy - podology - shiatsu
phone: +420 732 405 049
5. května 660, 252 41 Dolní Břežany

About Me

I help alleviate body pains for more than 10 years. During this time, I have taken care of children, adults, regular people as well as professional sportsmen. I feel this is my mission, to find causes of pain and to remove them. I focus on complex care not just from the view of physiotherapy but also from the psychosomatic point. I believe that our body, soul and outer world are closely related and influence each other. That is also the reason why after graduation in physiotherapy I have undertook the three years of shiatsu training. In my practice, I combine the principles of western and eastern medicine in order not to just remove the pain but also its cause. My long-term interest is also problems of foot and lower limbs. I have completed a course in podiatry and podoscopy with Dr. Havrda MD.  My portfolio therefore includes also the solution of the flat feet problems, feet pains, barefoot and healthy shoes and insoles.

My work under the supervision of Dr. Rychlíková MD. Has taught me to work with mobilization of spine and joints. I have worked on the Monada clinic in Prague where I have come to understanding that body needs time. 30 minutes of physiotherapy is not enough. I have also worked with chronically resuscitated patients, weak and infirm. This was incredible experience that gave me a deep respect toward every ill person.



Mgr. Petra Urbancová

5. května 660, Dolní Břežany

GSM: +420 732 405 049

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